How The World’s Most Muscular Man Fell in Love With Yoga — And Why You Should Too

Meet Dorian Yates, six time winner of the Mr. Olympia title, and former human forklift.

In Fitness And In Health
2 min readJun 7, 2022


If only doors were made this wide

And here is Dorian now, at age 60

A former 300 pounder, now age 60, doing front splits. This is the power of Yoga.

According to Dorian, doing yoga twice per week has given him a new body. When a Bodybuilder says that, perhaps we should pay attention.

I think we are all aware of the benefits of yoga, but not aware enough to actually do it. Intrigued by the idea of a beat-up bodybuilder curing his aches and pains, I decided to give it a try. After all, how difficult could it be?

Very, it turns out. I searched YouTube for a beginner yoga video, and selected the quickest one. As an active young man, I admit I approached the attempt with a smug attitude. Surely, it would be easy.

Nope. Holding even the easiest of poses made me shake like a stupid, stiff tree in the wind. Once a week, I decided. That would be enough. However, after just my second session I noticed a calmness to my mood, a new fluidity of movement. My knees no longer ached on a cold morning, I could feel my connective tissue strengthening the same way you feel your bicep grow from curling a dumbbell.

So yes, I wrote this article to tell you that yoga is good for you. Shocking, I know, but sometimes you need to experience a thing to really understand it.

How to get started

  • Once or twice a week, find a soft, preferably warm area. A yoga mat, grass, thick carpet or a rug will do.
  • Open up YouTube, search beginner yoga, and choose whichever one catches your attention.

It really is that simple. I recommend choosing a ten to fifteen minute video and just trying it. Don’t overthink, don’t wait for the perfect time, just start. When you treat it as something fun to do, rather than an obligation, it becomes surprisingly enjoyable.

If you would like to see me put my money where my mouth is, feel free to watch my attempts here: link



In Fitness And In Health

Mind and Body. Using myself as a crash dummy, and documenting the results.