How to Avoid Winter Weight Gain Even if You Have No Motivation to Workout

Exercising is ideal, but it’s not the only way to manage your weight during the winter season

Corrie Alexander
In Fitness And In Health


Image Credit: Irrmago on Depositphotos

It’s February. You’ve been dealing with shorter days and longer nights for months. The holidays are long gone, your New Year’s resolution to work out regularly is a distant memory, and your motivation is at an all-time low. As a result, the pounds start creeping on, which I euphemistically refer to as “winter weight gain.”

If this sounds like you, you’re in good company. On average, most people gain a pound or two over the winter months. After all, it’s easy to do when you live in an area where the sun sets at 4:30 pm, and it’s so wintery outside you sometimes forget you aren’t a Taillie on The Snowpiercer.

And although the weight gain may be modest, the problem is these extra pounds tend to hang around and accumulate each season. So as the years wear on, you continue to gain weight, which can lead to obesity and health issues.

I used to struggle with winter weight gain, particularly in my early thirties. Deskbound and cold-adverse, I’d spend all my time indoors, huddled up in an oversized hoodie to stay warm with my hot cocoa and Netflix. One year, my pants were so tight by spring that I…

