How To Easily Lose Weight Without Counting Calories (Science-Approved)

It just takes a few simple tweaks.

Moreno Zugaro
In Fitness And In Health


An athlete tying his shoes, getting ready for a run.
Photo by Alexander Redl on Unsplash

Let’s be real right from the start.

It’s not that you don’t know how to lose weight. Theoretically, everything’s clear. Eat less, exercise more, sleep well — happy days. Except that some of that stubborn belly fat doesn’t want to move no matter what you do.

With over ten years in the fitness, gym, and weight loss game, I’ve noticed an interesting pattern.

A young athletic man standing on a bodybuilding stage.
When I was 23 years old and allergic to fat. | Image by author

People always look for a magic pill, a secret trick, a special diet that will make their body burn calories like wildires the Australian bush.

There is no such thing.

You don’t have to count calories or restrict yourself with a no-carb keto diet — unless your goal is to step on a bodybuilding stage or get so shredded your muscle fibers poke through your skin.

But if you just want to get a nice summer body instead of looking like the Michelin Man, these measures are overkill, demotivating, and will make you miserable.

