How to Ensure Long-Term Shoulder Health

The most complex joint in the body requires special attention

Sean Gill
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash

The exceptional mobility of the shoulder joint is also its downfall. Being so mobile comes with an innate amount of instability. With so many muscles acting on the shoulder joint, a near-perfect balance must be found.

Poor shoulder health stems from two key factors: poor posture and less than ideal exercise selection.

Continuing to exercise with poor posture will only further the problem. Pain, discomfort, and tightness are likely to present. This also reduces our ability to produce force and lift heavy stuff — the key to building muscle and strength. And it increases the risk of injury.

This article will discuss the reasons for chronic shoulder pain and the specific strategies to manage it and ultimately overcome it.

Poor Posture Epidemic

Now more than ever are we seeing poor posture, specifically at the upper back and shoulders. It’s no coincidence this has manifested itself with the increasing worldwide use of technology, whether it be handheld devices that require us to look downwards or the screens we must look at to do our jobs.



Sean Gill
In Fitness And In Health

Exercise Physiologist residing down under. Addicted to the science behind health and performance.