How to Exercise On Your Period

Know your body, don’t hurt yourself

Priscilla Writing
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

It was quite surprising to know how many women in the West have used contraception so that their period disappears until they need it again for pregnancy.

I’m not a medical expert, so I’m not for or against this practice. As a person who grew up in the Far East, it’s not usual for people to tamper our bodies with medication. Contraception is not commonly prescribed, most of us don’t even use tampons, just pads.

This means that all my life I have been trying to exercise during my period. The only exception is swimming, as a hard-core swimming team member, I stopped going to the pool during those few days of outflow. But that doesn’t mean I stop exercising.

Here’s how to exercise and take care of ourselves during the period.

Tip 1: track your cycle

Our body gives us warning signs. Just like fever is a way that our body is trying to get rid of an intrusive virus, there is a reason why we experience discomfort throughout our lives.

Historically, women’s health was largely misunderstood and overlooked due to the dominance of men in the profession. Thankfully, this has now changed, and we know a lot about women’s bodies and psyches now.



Priscilla Writing
In Fitness And In Health

Novelist, Founder & Editor of the Battersea Anthology. I share tips on how to make money and manage finances for authors.