How to Get a Great Workout in 20 Minutes or Less

Zack Harris
In Fitness And In Health
5 min readOct 1, 2020


Photo by Danielle Cerullo on Unsplash

Many of us lead busy lives with very little free time. It’s easy to put working out on the back burner when you don’t typically have an hour a day to dedicate to the gym.

But that’s a problem I have a solution for, because there are ways to get in an intense, productive workout in 20 minutes or less — and one of those ways is by incorporating what’s known as Escalated Density Training, or EDT.

What is EDT?

The EDT model was created back in the mid 2000’s by a strength coach named Charles Staley. This model was designed to synergistically develop muscular endurance, conditioning, and lean muscle mass through short, intense workouts.

While your standard strength training program has a predetermined number of sets and reps for you to train within, EDT is unique in the sense that its sets and reps are entirely time-based; the amount of sets and reps performed is dependent upon what you’re able to do within the time limit you’ve allotted for yourself.

In Charles’ original EDT model, he utilized training blocks called “PR Zones” — which stands for “personal record” — that lasted 15–20 minutes each, followed by 5–10 minute rest periods between blocks. Each block consists of two non-competing exercises — such as push ups and pull ups — that are performed back…



Zack Harris
In Fitness And In Health

I write about health, wealth, and self improvement. Fitness & nutrition coach. Finance major & money nerd. - IG: zackharris01