How to Get Started with Weightlifting

Get past the stalling period and lift with 75% of your strength

In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

Getting started with weightlifting is not easy nor appealing. With the starting weight being quite light, you either rush into the exercise, do countless reps, get bored or not feel anything.

Although beginners are supposed to see results faster, many people seem to stall their progression while lifting weights, and once they get bored with their routine, they give up.

In most cases, the lack of progress is not an issue of genetics, rather than the right approach, commitment, effort, and patience.

Weight lifting is a type of resistance training — one where your body resists an external force, aka a heavy object: dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, bands, bottles, books, bricks, or your dog. Weight training is efficient in building muscle mass and strength. It can also strengthen your bones and joints. Lifting weights boosts your metabolism, improves your muscle tone, and helps you burn more calories while eating more.

Besides all that, weightlifting is an exciting way of challenging our fitness level, and who knows, you might end up enjoying it more than other physical activities.

Get past the adaptation phase



In Fitness And In Health

Freelance content and copy writer with a soft spot for fitness and health brands. Weightlifting junkie.