How to Increase Fat Loss in Just 10 Minutes Each Morning

A 2-step potent fat loss protocol.

Ashley Richmond
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Bruno Bueno on Pexels

Most of us would probably like to reduce our body fat percentage. However, fat loss is confusing and there is a lot of misinformation that exists in the health, fitness, and nutrition realms. Fortunately, there are small steps we can take each day that will take us down the path of fat loss. One such small step is a simple, 2-step protocol. Here, I will outline what this protocol is and how you can implement it into your daily routine.

The protocol

Caffeine + fasted morning cardio.


When you wake up, drink a cup of coffee, green tea, or black tea, without any added milk, sugar, or any other form of calorie. This needs to be a calorie-free drink that you’re drinking in a fasted state, but something that contains some level of caffeine.


When you’ve finished your beverage, engage in 10–30 minutes of light to moderate cardio. Pick something that will be sustainable — something you can do every single day. It doesn’t have to be strenuous, just something that will raise your heart rate and get your blood flowing. As you’re in a fasted state, you don’t want to spike your cortisol or otherwise stress out your body.



Ashley Richmond
In Fitness And In Health

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