How to Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels the Correct Way

This will slash your risk of heart disease and premature death.

David Welburn
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Skyler Ewing:

High blood LDL cholesterol is the main risk factor associated with heart disease, which is still the most common cause of death, not only in America but worldwide. So, it’s important to lower your LDL levels if you want to reduce your risk and live a long and healthy life.

But what exactly is cholesterol, what does it do, why is it a problem, and how can we lower our levels of it safely and effectively? Let’s take a look at those questions.

What Is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a lipid that is produced in every cell of our bodies. It is an essential part of our cell membranes, it is the precursor of several hormones (including testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and cortisol), and it is involved in the synthesis of bile, which enables us to absorb fat.

Some of our cells don’t produce enough cholesterol for their needs, however. But some organs, such as the liver, can produce extra cholesterol, which is then transported by the bloodstream to the cells that need more.

Transporting cholesterol poses a problem, though, as it is not water-soluble. So, it has to be packaged up into a lipoprotein in order to make that…



David Welburn
In Fitness And In Health

Fitness Instructor with over 45 years of lifting experience. Former Biomedical Scientific Officer. Top writer in Health.