How to Maintain Decent Muscle Tone With Minimal Effort

Lean. Healthy. Confident. All for less than 5 minutes a day.

Schalk Cloete
In Fitness And In Health


“She says you look like a Greek god!”

My friend’s words were music to the ears of my painfully insecure 19-year-old self. I can’t even remember which girl supposedly uttered those wonderful words. But I do remember the feeling.

It’s both funny and embarrassing how much of my late teens and early twenties passed in a shirtless search for this kind of validation. But luckily, there was an upside: This fragile ego of mine drove me through countless tedious gym sessions!

Today, 17 years later, impressing girls has tumbled way down my list of priorities. Interestingly though, my determination to stay in good shape is stronger than ever.

The reason is simple: I really enjoy my body (and the mind it sustains) and I want to keep doing that for many decades to come. I’m also curious to learn how much my healthy lifestyle can delay the aging process. After all, regular strength training is great anti-aging medicine.

But still, burning lots of time and money by repeatedly lifting oddly shaped chunks of metal in a big room full of sweaty people was never my idea of fun. Neither was carrying around (and feeding) more muscle mass than I…

