How to Never Step on the Scale at the Doctor’s Office

One simple statement helps you avoid it every time

Linda Spangle
In Fitness And In Health
5 min readMar 10, 2021


Photo: Barbara Reddoch, 123RF

That dreaded doctor’s scale! Most of us, especially women, hate getting on that thing.

During my years of running a weight-loss clinic, I heard tons of stories from people who were upset about facing the scale at the doctor’s office.

Here’s how a client named Margie described it.

“The scale at the doctor’s office is terrifying. I have to plan what I wear because I know my clothes will become part of my recorded weight. I pull out my thinnest summer shorts and wear clog shoes with no socks. I also make sure to empty my pockets and not wear any heavy jewelry. But I’m still afraid the scale number will make me look like a failure.”

Ignoring health concerns

For some people, an aversion to the doctor ‘s scale becomes so strong that it keeps them from taking care of their health.

Like most overweight people, Connie dreaded the doctor’s scale. So for many years she simply skipped going to her doctor ‘s office.

She said, “I can’t even tell you how many annual physicals and ob/gyn appointments I have canceled because I didn’t want to face how overweight I was. I’ve been trying to stop…



Linda Spangle
In Fitness And In Health

Author and weight-loss coach who loves to write, sing, act silly, drink wine, have deep conversations . Breast cancer survivor.