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How To Overcome The Fear Of “Not Enough”?

4 powerful ways I learned that helped me shift to “I am enough”

Yan Huang
In Fitness And In Health
7 min readOct 28, 2020


Photo by Quan Nguyen on Unsplash

The modern culture we live in places a heavy emphasis on productivity, so much so, when we send in our resumes, nine out of ten recruiters will be interested to ask about what have you accomplished in your previous jobs.

Adding on to that, our media feeds are filled with achievers from top education institutes, businesses, and sports arena also influence us to want to appear better, stronger, and more qualified. Thus, some of us may go on a paper-chase of getting more certificates.

With the ongoing new norm of social distancing, the digital way of working and living, we are witnessing a rise in online learning. In fact, according to Globe Newswire, the online education industry is predicted to be worth a hefty US$319.167 billion by 2025.

It is no wonder that more schools, professionals, and various digital platforms are rolling out online courses to feed a ravenous fear in us — the fear that we may appear not enough.

The fear of “not enough” is not something to be taken likely, as with all other fears, if we don't learn to manage this, and dig deep to understand what’s causing it…



Yan Huang
In Fitness And In Health

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