How To Progress In The Journey Of Mastering Calisthenics

4 simple pieces of advice that will make your calisthenics journey easier.

Ankit Das
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Bas Masseus from Pexels

Not everyone in fitness would want to learn calisthenic skills but everyone into calisthenics definitely wants to learn at least some of those intriguing skills like the muscle-up, handstand, flags, levers, or the beast, the planche.

I have also learned some of the calisthenic skills like the dragon flag, the L-sit, skills mostly based on the core strength, and currently working on handstand and building up my straight arm strength to train for some advanced skills like the human flag and front and back lever.

With myself involved in strength and skill training, I think I can provide some valuable insights from my journey to make things simpler and help you progress in your calisthenics journey a lot faster than I did.

With that said, let’s get to business.

Master the basics

The most important aspect of any type of training. If you can’t do at least 10 shoulder taps, how will you do a single pike press? and if you still try to do it with a sloppy form, you are definitely on the path of ruining your body.

First and foremost, you must get to know which muscles are…



Ankit Das
In Fitness And In Health

An engineer, a consistent learner, and full of enthusiasm. Writes about self-improvement, fitness, and sometimes money.