How to Rapidly Burn Belly Fat with Kettlebell Swings

Swing your flab away.

Nicole Linke
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Imagine there was an exercise that would solve 99% of the problems caused by your sedentary lifestyle. An exercise that strengthens your weak back gives you an aesthetic ass and makes your abs pop.

An exercise that simultaneously builds strength, power, flexibility, and endurance. And what if said exercise was easy to learn and had the bonus of being an incredibly effective fat-burning exercise?

Do you think that such an exercise doesn’t exist?

Well, then, let me introduce you to the hardstyle kettlebell swing.

Why the Kettlebell Swing Is the Perfect Fat-Loss Exercise

Avocado with measuring tape on it
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

The kettlebell swing is a compound exercise, which means you are working multiple muscle groups at once. Other examples of compound exercises are squats or rows.

Common to all of these movements is the use of multiple joints. The opposite of a compound exercise is an isolation exercise, where you target specific muscles and use only one joint. The bicep curl, which isolates the biceps and involves…



Nicole Linke
In Fitness And In Health

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