Six Seize the Day Boosters to Jump Start Your Mourning Routine

Follow this 60 minutes routine to upscale your game and boost your health and wellness

Rui Alves
In Fitness And In Health


Image from StockSnap on Pixabay

Did you know that a day isn’t a full 24 hours? It takes 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.2 seconds for the Earth to rotate once. Time is ticking, so let’s shake our tail feathers and stop procrastinating. We’ve got less than 24 hours to get things done.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. “— Steve Jobs

Let’s get down to business

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, early in 2020, I promised to do six possible things before breakfast during the next 365 days. I’ve now closed the circle and kept my promise. However, I am not stopping here, and I plan to expand this daily routine that helped me keep a sound mind in a sound body during troublesome times.

1. Read five pages of any book

The average reading speed is 200 to 250 words a minute in non-technical material. This amounts to roughly 2 minutes per page. This process will only take 10 minutes of your time, and you can quickly fulfill this objective. Doing this will boost your creativity…



Rui Alves
In Fitness And In Health

Language teacher, linguist, coach, published author, editor, and international nonfiction book awards judge. Digital ronin, musician, and alchemist of sound.