How To Start A Low Carb, High Fat Diet

Philip James
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readDec 21, 2021


Photo Credit:Burst Royalty Free Photos

So you want to start a low carb diet but don’t know where to begin. Everyone around you is talking about losing weight and you’ve just eaten a lot of high carb foods and sugary treats, you feel bloated. You’re energized and motivated to start losing weight and every magazine and blog article tells you that a low carb diet is the best way. After all, low carb diets do lead to more weight than low fat diets and increase blood sugar health, lower triglycerides, improve HDL (good) cholesterol, and lower blood sugar. (1,2,3)

Where do you start?

Low Carb Diets Include Carbohydrates

This is important to understand. Starting a low carb diet isn’t a no carb diet. Generally speaking, most diets under 150 grams of carbohydrates can be defined as low carb diets so you have a range of carbohydrates to choose from. When you first start measuring you’ll realize that 150 grams of carbohydrates aren’t a lot then after you diet you’ll realize it is a lot.

Most everyone just goes zero carb for fast weight loss but that’s not…

