How to Use Procrastination as a Weight Loss Power Move

Put that pastry down! For now…

Brandon J Eudy, PhD
In Fitness And In Health


Woman with brown hair holding two croissants in front of purple background.
Photo by Roman Samborskyi on Shutterstock

For most of us, losing weight is not an easy task. There are countless reasons we fail. Weight loss can require personal investment in nutrition and physical activity and also take a significant amount of willpower. I want to point out one weight loss strategy that I think may come naturally to a lot of people…procrastination, because we do it all the time.

Try adding procrastination to your weight loss toolbox. It actually makes a lot of sense to use one of our “bad habits” to our advantage.

I’ll have that cookie later

How exactly can procrastination help your weight loss efforts?

Imagine this scenario. You are at a party and there is a delicious-looking tray of chocolate chip cookies on the table. You really want one. But you say to yourself “I’ll have one later…maybe in 30 minutes”. Then 30 minutes later, you are back in front of the cookie tray with a few options. You could procrastinate again. After all, you aren’t denying yourself anything. You’re just putting it off. Or you could give in and enjoy a chocolate chip cookie. Either way, you win. You had at least one less cookie than you would have otherwise. Great job!



Brandon J Eudy, PhD
In Fitness And In Health

Dr. Brandon J Eudy holds a PhD in nutritional sciences. He writes about food, cooking, and nutrition.