I Care, I Don’t Care — Which One Is It?

Play this simple game to get back on track

Linda Spangle
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readApr 22, 2021


Photo by Stepan Popoy, 123rf.com

Today, I really don’t care!

I don’t care about healthy eating or doing my exercise. I certainly don’t care about doing nurturing activities or things that might protect me from drinking wine or overeating.

Instead, I want to eat whatever I like, take a nap instead of exercising and hunt for some great cookies.

It’s been a long, discouraging year, and I think I’m just tired and worn down. So it’s decided. Today, I don’t care about any of it. But wait… is that really how I feel? Hmmm, on second thought…

The flower game

You’re probably familiar with the old game “He loves me, he loves me not.” As you remove each petal, you alternate saying the phrases, “He (or she) loves me, he (or she) loves me not.”

Whichever one you say as you pull off the last petal will answer the question, “Does he (or she) love me?”

Sometimes your health and weight-loss efforts might feel as random as this flower petal game. The only difference is that you’re trying to decide whether you care or don’t care about doing healthy behaviors.

Some days, you are certain that you care. Then a few days later, you decide to skip your…



Linda Spangle
In Fitness And In Health

Author and weight-loss coach who loves to write, sing, act silly, drink wine, have deep conversations . Breast cancer survivor. www.weightlossjoy.com