I Exercised Twice a Day for 75 Days — Here’s What Happened

I felt invincible

Emily Stubbs
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Meghan Holmes on Unsplash

“I really just wanted to shock and challenge my body” — Khloe Kardashian on two-a-day workouts

Fitness and I have always been casual acquaintances. I’ve dabbled in the weights section, I’ve had whirlwind romances with running and spin classes, I’ve tried virtually every sport that doesn't involve a bat, club or racquet (I’m woefully uncoordinated). I flirted with fitness, but I never truly committed to it.

Before this challenge, I could run a solid 5k and hold my own in high-intensity interval training (HIIT) but I don’t think I had ever managed a week of consecutive once-per-day workouts. Excluding my regular 45 minute walks to and from work (a distant memory while working from home), I could count on one hand the number of times I’d ever worked out twice in one day.

The Mayo Clinic tells us what we already know — that regular exercise helps us control weight, combat health conditions and diseases and improve our mood, sleep and sex.

However, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, most of us are not getting enough of it: over 80% of adults don’t meet the recommended guidelines for aerobic or muscle-strengthening activities.

I didn’t just work out twice a…



Emily Stubbs
In Fitness And In Health

Policy and public affairs professional, marathon runner, spin class addict and data-driven lifestyle writer.