I Just Ate Bugs, You May Soon As Well

Our next food source is going to be creepy and crawly

Matt Inman
In Fitness And In Health


The registration line was moving fast; after giving the person my name and getting my conference badge, he made sure to tell me to pick up a free sample of chocolate.

Always looking for free giveaways, I happily took it.

I spotted my friends quickly in the crowd, spent a few minutes catching up, and discussed the talks we were excited to see that night.

A few minutes into our chat, I remembered the chocolate and pulled it out, sharing it with my friends as they hadn’t picked up a sample. We all remarked on how tasty it was and quickly finished the bar.

Making our way to our seats, we arrived just as the lights dimmed and the event started. The first speaker, Sarah Schlafly, started discussing her local business and how they were embracing insects as a source of protein.

Sarah told us about her experiences eating bugs in foreign countries and how it would drive her years later when she started her business. But I mentally pictured those large edible giant beetle grubs, disgusting. She moved to how insect protein could soon replace our use of meat in many of our meals. I could see the audience was skeptical.



Matt Inman
In Fitness And In Health

Writer, Tech, and Travel nerd. Connecting with amazing people to encourage you to take action in your life. Let’s talk — mattinman.com