I Lost 75 Pounds by Focusing on My Emotional Health

Here’s how I got on top of my health for the first time in my life.

Millan Singh
In Fitness And In Health


I was always on the big side of the spectrum. It runs in my family’s genetics, and I’ve always loved food. When I was little, I was active enough in playing with my friends and biking around the neighborhood that it didn’t really matter that much, but as I got older and more sedentary, weight started piling on slowly but surely. And when I went through a 3-year depression cycle from 19–22 years old, it got really bad.

But after five more years (I am 27 now), I’ve finally found the key to living a healthy life with a body that matches. And the things I’ve learned along the way have totally changed my view of health and wellness.

The author’s weight journey in pictures, as of July 2022.

I’m not done losing weight yet, but the changes so far have been staggering already. I’ve felt it in every aspect of my life!

Here’s My Secret

I always found it amusing, as someone who has lost weight multiple times in his life, how others always seem to ask the same question: “What’s your secret?” As if weight is this mysterious black box and that you need to ascertain an esoteric key to this box in order to lose weight and be healthy.



Millan Singh
In Fitness And In Health

Professional Tinkerer, Creative Entrepreneur, and practitioner of A Hero’s Journey. Follow me for tech, crypto, finance, and personal development.