I Quit Eating Meat 38 Years Ago — Here’s How I Did It

Even in the face of family scrutiny…

Patricia Joseph
In Fitness And In Health


I still remember the last time I ate red meat. It was in 1982 — 38 years ago. I had come home late one night, feeling hungry and tired. My mom had left out food in a covered cast-iron skillet. She would often leave enough leftovers out for my siblings and me — whoever managed to get home first. That night, I was lucky and got first dibs — so I thought.

I lifted the lid to see a medium-well done T-bone steak smothered in onions and gravy, and a side of white rice. Dang! Why steak and gravy? There I was having a moment of internal conflict — should I eat this steak or not?.

It had only been a few weeks since I’d stopped eating meat. I was making progress up until this point. Yet, I was at the kitchen table devouring a steak — destroying what little discipline I had.

That night, my body revolted and rejected the foreign beef invader. I fought off bad dreams, excruciating stomach pains, and night sweats. I was guilty of once again eating meat — the cows were coming home to moo! The next day I promised myself that I would never eat red meat again — I’ve kept that promise.

In the early 80s, a meatless diet wasn’t common practice in my community, unless you went against social norms and followed the…



Patricia Joseph
In Fitness And In Health

Wife, mother, healthy lifestyle lover, and blogger. I’m inspired to write about moments in life that move me!