I Quit Sugar for 30 Days To Get Rid of My Cravings — Here’s What Happened

A comprehensive overview of my journey, lessons learned, best practices, and results

Alexa V.S.
In Fitness And In Health


A Woman with a Measuring Tape Eating a Donut. I Quit Sugar for 30 Days To Get Rid of My Cravings — Did It Work?
Photo by Polina Tankilevich on Pexels

I’m a self-proclaimed sugar addict.

For as long as I can remember, sugar has meant reward, comfort, and connection. The result?

For years, I’ve consumed way more than the 25 grams of added sugar the World Health Organization (WHO) has set as the daily upper limit for women (36 grams for men).

And I’m not alone.

The average American adult consumes around 77 grams of added sugar per day, a dangerous statistic. A high sugar intake has been linked to cardiovascular disease, chronic inflammation, diabetes, and fatty liver disease — not to mention the nerve-wracking sugar cravings.

They hijack our minds.

“It’s like you’re possessed,” I joke when explaining how out of control a “sugar addiction” can make us feel.

Despite knowing the detrimental effects of sugar, we can’t stop. Once we have a taste of our favorite ice cream, we inhale the entire thing in one go.





Alexa V.S.
In Fitness And In Health

Certified INFJ. Health & Fitness enthusiast. Fellow writer.