I Removed Sugar From My Diet. Here’s What Happened

I’m not going back.

Alix A.
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Yves Scheuber on Unsplash

White bread for breakfast. Pasta for lunch. A treat around 4 pm. Ice cream after dinner. Refined carbs are often hidden in the foods we crave. The ones we call “comfort foods.” They were part of my daily diet and although I was not overweight, I was bothered by the small amount of fat that has accumulated on my hips.

When you start to examine what the foods you eat are made of, you understand tons of things. And you can’t keep eating the way you used to. It would make no sense. You don’t even want to.

Over the past few years, I have slowly but surely eliminated almost all refined sugars from my diet. One by one. I no longer eat white bread, white pasta, or white rice. I no longer consume sweets or sugary drinks. My diet is built around whole, natural, nutritious foods.

And I’ve noticed several very interesting changes. Here they are.

What exactly did I cut out of my diet?

All white flour products, white rice, white pasta, sweetened yogurt, cakes, pastries, candies, sodas, juices, breakfast cereals… The list could go on and on. It all comes down to one change: no more refined sugars.

