This Happened When I Stopped Eating Refined Sugar for 3 Years

A journey of letting go of sugar and leading a healthier life

Lioness Rue
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Erika Cristina from Pexels

We all know how it feels to accumulate excess unwanted fat in ridiculous places of our bodies. And, one of the causes is the extra sugar we can’t resist every day. We, in turn, feel less confident about our bodies.

We are forced to dress a certain way to cover that big stomach. And, when summer comes, we find ourselves going for one-piece attires. And admiring that next person with a finessed body.

Your health is your treasure. Once you lose it, you can’t buy it back. Staying healthy increases your life span strengthens your immunity against deadly diseases. And your brain functionality, your performance in life, and your sense of peace.

Nobody desires a life that revolves around doctor’s appointments. It’s a horrible feeling to regret later on in life what you could have changed now. But, that was my life three+ years ago.

Basically, following a healthier lifestyle that includes more natural sugars and less processed sugar will bring you better health. It’ll also bring you better fitness, body shape, calmness, and peace throughout the rest of your life. And I can testify because that was my experience.

