I Took Creatine for 28 Days Even Though I Was Terrified of Gaining Weight — Here’s What Happened

A comprehensive overview of my journey, lessons learned, results, and best practices

Alexa V.S.
In Fitness And In Health


Woman lifting a dumbbell. What happened when I took creatine for 30 days as a woman?
Photo by Karen Irala on Pexels

It’s all muscle!

That’s what I wanted this story’s conclusion to be.

Though my main goal when I started taking creatine — one of the most well-researched fitness supplements — in mid-February 2024 was to build muscle, I also wanted to show other women that we shouldn’t be afraid of the weight gain that often comes when taking this supplement.

After all, that had been me for the longest time.

I’d worked too hard for too long to achieve my dream physique. I feared that any change would upset this balance, especially since most people on creatine gain about 2 to 4.5 pounds, mainly due to water retention.

Everything changed when I saw the 30-day creatine challenge of a fellow fitness enthusiast. Taking creatine helped her gain muscle, lose fat, and improve her energy and mood — all science-backed benefits.

Inspired, I decided to do my own month-long creatine challenge, hoping it’d be motivating for other women out there — not to mention it’d be great if it helped me improve my performance in the…



Alexa V.S.
In Fitness And In Health

Certified INFJ. Health & Fitness enthusiast. Fellow writer.