I Tried Red Light Therapy for 30 Days Straight. Here’s What Happened.

When anti-aging meets at-home convenience.

Hudson Rennie
In Fitness And In Health


A person, standing in front of a red light therapy panel.
Image via rougecare.ca (licensed under CC BY 2.0)

The world is full of wonderful new health trends, emerging every day.

And, just about every day, you can find someone dismissing the very direction you were about to take — seconds before you take it.

This makes starting healthy habits all the more difficult.

Sometimes, you must take the first step despite an inevitable rug pull. And, risk falling flat on your face in order to move toward a happier, healthier you. Other times, someone takes that risk for you.

This is one of those times.

Here’s what happened when I tried red light therapy for 30 days. And, how/why it will likely become a life-long habit for me.

Possibly, for you too…

First, what the heck is it?

So, if you’ve never heard of red light therapy, the image above may be a little shocking to you.

Yes, I will admit it looks suspiciously like a rotisserie chicken being cooked under a heat lamp. But, I will assure you, the purpose of red light therapy isn’t to keep your skin succulent for eating.



Hudson Rennie
In Fitness And In Health

I write about all sorts of things. I hope you fall in love with my words. 🙋‍♂️🪴 Watch me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@hudsonrenniewrites