I Water Fasted for 28 Days and Here’s What Happened

I will never be the same

Kiki Wellington
In Fitness And In Health


A glass of water being filled on a blue background with the sky and ocean (water fasting, intermittent fasting, I water fasted 28 days, what happens when you water fast 28 days, water fasting results)
Photo by eduardkraft on DepositPhotos

I began my love affair with fasting over four years ago. During a checkup, my doctor mentioned in passing that one of her patients had done keto with great success: Not only had she lost weight, she was able to stop taking blood pressure and diabetes medications. I was intrigued. I looked into keto, but it just seemed way too extreme for me.

But during my research, I kept hearing about intermittent fasting. I didn’t think much about it at first, and just worked over the next month or so to clean up my diet — which, as a junk food junkie and emotional eater, I desperately needed to do.

My Headfirst Dive Into Fasting

Lent came around. Although I’m not particularly religious, let alone Catholic, I am extremely spiritual and that year, something in me decided to participate in Lent for the first time in my life. I decided to kick it off with a fast and what started out as a three-day bone broth fast turned into five days. By the time I was done, the fire in me to keep the momentum going had been lit.

If you don’t know what intermittent fasting is, it’s a regimen of time-restricted eating where instead of having meals throughout the day that may extend to upwards of 12 hours depending on what times…

