I Went Raw and Vegan for a Month

I survived. And it changed me forever. Here’s how.

Michelle Loucadoux
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Ratul Ghosh on Unsplash

A friend recently gave me some wise advice: “Do everything in moderation…including moderation.”

Most people called me crazy when they heard that I was going to spend the entire month of December as a raw food vegan simply so I could write an article about it.

“How are you going to eat food that hasn’t been cooked for a month?”

“Can’t you wait until January, celebrate the holidays, and then make it a resolution?”

In all fairness, I do understand that it was a pretty extreme experiment simply to generate writing fodder. And I accept that . . . with open arms. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that sometimes if you jump in the deep end, you find that you’re a fabulous swimmer.

More importantly, you never truly understand something until you try it. So, I wholeheartedly spent the entire month of December eating only raw (not cooked over 115°F) food that contained no animal products or animal byproducts. I allowed myself the ability to cheat on Christmas — I won’t subject my family to my whims.

This experiment has unequivocally changed my eating habits forever. Here’s an explanation of why I chose to make such a drastic change, what I learned, and…

