If You Work a Desk Job, You Must Try This Mobility Routine!

You’ll experience pain relief like never before.

David Liira, Kin.
In Fitness And In Health


It’s simple. If you’re sitting for 8–10 hours per day, you’re likely going to experience some bodily stiffness and pain. While not all of us have the luxury of being active during work, we can all work on controlling what we can. I say it over and over, the best antidote to stiffness and sedentary behavior is movement. And no… this doesn’t mean going to the gym for hours on end. I’m talking about the small routines that take mere minutes to complete, but will always make a lasting impact.

As a kinesiologist working at a chiropractic clinic, I see the challenges of the 9–5 lifestyle every day. Fortunately, I’ve built an ultra-simple routine you can do before and after work to eliminate your stiffness and restore a healthy level of mobility to the body. Not only with these exercises boost the health of your joints and tissues, but you’ll also feel more focused on your work as you’re less distracted by pain and discomfort! Without further ado, here are 5 movements that can completely transform your occupational health in the best way possible.

Do you have pain in the head, neck, shoulders, back, or hips? This mobility program is for you!



David Liira, Kin.
In Fitness And In Health

Kinesiologist. Writing on health and the human condition. Clap and I clap back. https://www.davidliirakin.com