I’m 56, and I’m in the Best Shape of my Life

This is what I do

Lisa Alexander
In Fitness And In Health


Source: Author Photo

Posting this photo was difficult. I’m not a fitness model, and there are many, many people who are my age or older and look way more fit than I do.

But, I think I look pretty good for my age, and more importantly, I feel fantastic.

There are a number of habits I have that have helped my feel this way, and I thought I’d share them.

I don’t sleep in.

I’m up by 6:00 almost every day, or even earlier. I love the mornings, when it’s quiet, and I like to get my workout in before I start other tasks. I think it’s possible to be a person who sleeps late and is fit, but the older I get, the more my body wants to get up early and be in bed around 10. I get a lot done in the mornings.

I do cardio almost every day, mostly walking.

I used to jog and play tennis, but my low back and knee pain have curtailed those activities. I walk 3–5 miles a day, and more on the weekends. I walk with a friend, or listen to music, and since I enjoy it, I don’t have to talk myself into it. I feel great after walking, and try to do it early in the day.

I get on the floor.



Lisa Alexander
In Fitness And In Health

Former English professor, full-time yoga teacher, failed Greek Orthodox. Searching for wisdom, clarity, and a fresh bag of circus peanuts.