I’m Back at the Gym, Reacquainted With These Annoying People

Oh, hello! It has been ten-plus years!

Oliver Romsen
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by the author: Working out at home from 2014 to 2023

I’ve worked out at home with a simple gym set-up since 2014.

The results far exceeded my expectations, and if I had to, I’d be content to work out at home for the rest of my life. But my wife decided to join a gym in 2023, and I, the supportive husband, agreed to join her to make her feel more comfortable and motivated to go.

Working out in the gym again reminded me of the things I’ve missed: an excellent pullup bar, barbells, benches, etc.

It also reminded me of things that I don’t like about working out in a gym.

Some people doing these things could be new to the gym. This post is for educational purposes only and not meant to shame, so if you’re doing some of these, please take note and consider.

This has to be the most annoying person in the gym

While living in Singapore more than ten years ago, a friend said, “If someone could afford a $90 gym membership, he or she could afford a $6 deodorant.” I live in Norway now, and still, some people don’t put on deodorant (or at least shower regularly) before going to the gym.

