Improve Your Sleep Quality with This Quick Morning Habit

In as little as 5 minutes each morning, you can drastically improve your sleep.

Ashley Richmond
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Tânia Mousinho on Unsplash

Getting good quality sleep is arguably the best thing you can do to support your health.

These days, we aren’t getting enough sleep. And every aspect of our health is suffering as a result. We’re staying up late, looking at bright screens and sitting under bright lights when our bodies are trying to wind down to sleep. We’re checking work emails and reading stressful news articles at all hours of the night. We’re winding up when we need to be powering down. We’re waking up early on weekdays and sleeping in on weekends. So many of our current habits are detrimental to our sleep.

If we want to get enough sleep, and especially enough good quality sleep, we need to take action. And one of the best ways to do this is to incorporate a little bit of movement into our mornings.

Morning movement is an incredibly powerful way to reset your internal clock and optimize your health. It also sets the tone for the day, improves cognition, and negates the effects of our sedentary society.

Here’s why this movement is so important, and how you can easily implement this habit into your life.



Ashley Richmond
In Fitness And In Health

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