Improve Your Sprint Speed With One Exercise

As a bonus, you only need to complete 2 sets of four reps once a week

Zachary Walston, PT, DPT, OCS
In Fitness And In Health


Source: Getty Images

There are a handful of exercises that wow people. Many are found in the world of calisthenics — planche pushups (feet off the ground), human flag, one-handed pullup. Others are incredible feats of strength — such as an 1100 pound deadlift.

The one that gets the most attention in the fitness and rehab community is the nordic hamstring curl.

From preventing injuries to improving performance

Nejc Šarabon, PLOS ONE, 2019

The Nordic hamstring curl is brutal and makes most individuals look silly. It takes substantial hamstring strength to lower your body to the floor and raise it back without hand assistance.

The Nordic hamstring gained popularity as a tool for injury prevention. While injury prevention can never be boiled down to a single factor, some strategies should be favored over others as part of a comprehensive plan. The Nordic hamstring may help reduce the risk of hamstring strains for sports that involve sprinting.

