Intermittent Fasting And Running

Can intermittent fasting make you a better runner?

Scott Mayer
In Fitness And In Health


Credit: KaBoom Pics and Leandro Boogalu

By now, you’ve probably heard of intermittent fasting (IF), the dietary protocol centered on when you eat versus what you eat. It’s a simple idea really: consume all your meals within a specified eating window, say noon — 8 pm, then fast until the start of your eating window the next day. Some people futz with the length of the fast, but that’s the gist of it.

I get more into the health and science behind fasting here, but the point is this: intermittent fasting is great for you.

Along with driving weight loss, IF stimulates human growth hormone (HGH) production, reduces cellular inflammation, prevents Type 2 Diabetes by decreasing blood sugar levels, and lowers bad cholesterol (LDL). All from simply specifying when you’re eating throughout the day.

“That sounds great,” you might say. “Sounds like something I should try*.”

“But can intermittent fasting make me a better runner?”

Valid question. As runners, we bring everything back to running. Everything. It’s only natural — we’re constantly looking for every advantage we can get.

The short answer? Yes…but.

