Is a 1200 Calorie Diet Appropriate For Anyone?

Egis R.
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readJan 23, 2022


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In the past, when most people tried to lose weight they used to do something very stupid. Which is drastically slashing their calories to something that’s completely unsustainable. 1200 calories for example.

Good thing times have changed and people are not doing it anymore. Wait. Fuck.

Google search results and heaps of 1200 kcal/day diet results
Image by the author

Let’s do some science stuff and see if there is anyone in the world to whom a 1200 calorie diet would be appropriate.

First, you need to know how we burn energy.

Hyperfocus on the BMR aka basal metabolic rate thing — energy your body uses to keep you alive so that you could go to work, earn money, buy a house to keep your stuff in while you are out getting more stuff which leaves you with no time for achieving your dreams (sadly, that applies to me too):

Thermic effect of food — 10% of total daily energy expenditure; Exercise activity thermogenesis ~5%; Non-exercise activity thermogenesis ~15%; Basal metabolic rate 60–70%.
Image by the author

Now let’s jump into one of many websites that uses the Harris-Benedict equation which is often used for BMR calculations and calculate BMR for an average 60+ years old female (based on National



Egis R.
In Fitness And In Health

I’m Egis, an online weight loss coach who has heightened BS sensors for fitness & nutrition. Only evidence-based & sustainable fat loss.