Is Coffee Good for You?

What research has uncovered that we need to know

Harshal Murkute
In Fitness And In Health


I drink around 4 cups of coffee every day and I’ve often wondered if this a good thing or bad thing that I’m doing with my life.

So in this post, we are looking at the scientific evidence behind whether drinking coffee is good for you.

In this article I will look into the effects of coffee on the following grounds:-

  1. On our mental performance
  2. Effect on our memory
  3. On our mood
  4. Effect on our physical performance
  5. On our body’s perception of fatigue
  6. Long term effects of coffee
  7. Negative effects of coffee

Let’s get started.

What does Coffee do?

Firstly what does coffee do, well as you might know coffee contains caffeine and it is a natural stimulant which blocks one of the neurotransmitters in the brain called the adenosine. Now adenosine is very special because it’s an inhibitory neurotransmitter and the main action is to dampen down brain activity and so caffeine blocks adenosine, that increases overall neuron firing in the brain and that increases the activity of other neurotransmitters like dopamine which…



Harshal Murkute
In Fitness And In Health

I write about strategies and tools that help live happier, healthier, more productive lives. Linktree —