Picture courtesy of 20th Century Fox

Is He Natural?

The truth behind male celebrity body transformations (with examples)

Pete Williams
11 min readJun 1, 2021


Why am I doing this?

It would be so easy to just brush me off as a hater or someone trying to “expose” these people. Look, the reality is that as someone who’s been in strength sports for over a decade and has trained at gyms all over the country and seen all kinds of physiques — both natural and enhanced, I have a very good eye for what’s attainable without steroids.

The general public doesn’t.

The media talks a lot about how we have unrealistic expectations for women with how magazines do airbrushing and good lighting etc. Hey, at least those women are actually real in the sense that they have a good frame or they eat ridiculously small amounts to get there. Most of your favourite male celebrity transformations are not possible without steroids.

You won’t get there no matter how hard you diet, no matter how hard you work, no matter how much you optimise absolutely everything.

That’s where I’m coming from with this. I’m not doing it because I hate the celebrities in question, or because I get my rocks off trying to bring them down a peg. They all would have worked very hard for the physiques they built. They all deserve respect for their craft. They do get a pass…

