Is High-Intensity-Interval-Training (HIIT) Worth It?

Should you do High-Intensity-Interval-Training (HIIT)?

Daniel Lehewych, M.A
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

We’re all busy. Yet, we are not busy enough to justify not exercising. You’d be surprised at how little time you need to spend exercising every day to reap all of the benefits of exercising. Maybe you don’t have time to go on a 2-hour run or lift weights for an hour. But, everyone has 20 minutes, and this article will teach you how to make the most out of your 20 minutes. “How?” you might ask: the answer is high-intensity-interval-training (HIIT) cardio.

What is HIIT?

HIIT stands for “high-intensity-interval-training.” The easiest way to understand HIIT is to think of it as intermittently switching between exercising using your maximum effort and exercising using minimal effort. There isn’t any specific movement that you have to perform to do HIIT — one can do HIIT on a bike, rowing machine, using kettlebells, or just bodyweight. Some programs out there that even go so far as to do ordinary weightlifting moves, like squats, using HIIT.

The Benefits of HIIT

High-intensity-interval-training brings with it many benefits. Aside from all of the obvious benefits — i.e., improved heart health, lower blood pressure, and overall improvements on all…



Daniel Lehewych, M.A
In Fitness And In Health

Philosopher and Author Bylines: Big Think, Newsweek, PsychCentral