Is it Normal for Joints to Constantly Click, Crack, or Pop

Short answer, no — Long answer, detailed below

Bashar Salame, D.C
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readAug 31, 2022


Photo by Imani Bahati on Unsplash

Your body shouldn’t sound like a haunted mansion.

Clicks, cracks and pops are just fine for a middle school drumline, not so much for knees, hips or elbows.

Well lubricated, healthy joints, shouldn’t make much sound at all.

That’s a key word though; healthy.

Like other systems and organs, time can be unkind to all those articulations in your body. What was once healthy and optimal can similarly wear down.

We’re also not immune from the physical stresses of life, including accidents and injuries. Your body may have once been a well oiled machine, but age related postural and degenerative changes can take their tool as well.

That said — for those with “noisy joints” — provided those sounds aren’t also associated with pain, discomfort, instability, or poor range of motion, you shouldn’t be alarmed.

Here’s what you should consider instead.

That’s my joint

When discussing joints, we’re of course referring to those areas in our body where two bones come together and form an articulation.



Bashar Salame, D.C
In Fitness And In Health

Chiropractor/Nutritionist/Triathlete. Restoring health — Enhancing Life. Beirut Born→ Detroit Bred