‘Kadha’ — An Ayurvedic Drink To Boost Your Immunity

A perfect homemade recipe

Isha Tewari Srivastava
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Mareefe from Pexels

We are living in times where maintaining our body’s immunity at an optimum level has become extremely important. To that end, many people around the word, especially in the East have turned to the good old herbal remedies that have been a part of Eastern culture since times immemorial.

One such tried and tested home remedy is Kadha.

Kadha is a Hindi word which means decoction. As the name suggests, it is an Ayurvedic concoction, obtained when a number of edible herbs and traditional aromatic spices are boiled together in water to extract their benefits.

Ayurveda is an ancient alternative medicine system with roots in the Indian subcontinent.

Like other counterparts namely Unani and Naturopathy, Ayurveda harnesses the medicinal and healing properties of naturally occurring edible herbs, herbal compounds and spices.

Natural ingredients pose a minimum health risk and help build immunity without any side effects.

Kadha works in more than one way –

  1. If had during changing weather, it helps the body combat seasonal flus and infections such as cold and cough.
  2. As it offers the combined benefits of many powerful and…



Isha Tewari Srivastava
In Fitness And In Health

Wellness Aficionado | Fashion Designer | Zealous Writer | Critical Thinker | Truth Seeker | Website-The Wellness Cafe: https://the-wellness-cafe.com/