Source: Keith Allison at Flikr.

LeBron James Spends $1.5m Per Year on His Body

Here’s how to emulate it on a normal person’s budget

Pete Williams
In Fitness And In Health
10 min readApr 6, 2021


Ever since LeBron James and his personal trainer appeared on an episode of the Tim Ferriss Show podcast, a bunch of media outlets have jumped upon the fact that he spends over $1.5m per year on ensuring his body is in tip top condition. It makes complete sense — professional athletes have a short career span where they make their most money. $1.5m is nothing to James, and it’s an investment that ensures he can earn many times that for every year he adds to his career.

The question is, what is he spending all this money on, and can a layperson emulate it on a budget? Does a layperson need to emulate it?

You absolutely can, because there’s an alternative for almost everything he spends big dollars on.

Now, these alternatives aren’t quite as effective as what James is using, but you don’t need them to be because you aren’t a pro athlete. They’ll be more than sufficient to keep you performing at your best, whether you’re a labourer, a stockbroker or a teacher who likes to compete in powerlifting in their spare time.


LeBron James has a masseuse on retainer, while most of us don’t even have the cash to have a once per week massage. Not to worry…

