Level-Up Your Morning Coffee

Sarah Shams
In Fitness And In Health
6 min readSep 21, 2020

Are you a caffeine addict? Does your morning not start without a cup of coffee? Is relying on a cafe not favorable for you? Do you want to save some cash by brewing coffee at home? Does your coffee not taste the way you want it to? Are you concerned about how coffee can affect your health? Then you are exactly where you should be.

It is undeniable that there is no better way to optimize your morning energy than a perfect cup of coffee. Using some simple techniques, you can make yourself an exemplary cup of coffee at home. It’s easier than you think!

Here are some ways to improve your morning coffee:

Get the best beans:

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Choose Good Coffee:

Coffee is best when used within a few days of being roasted. It’s better if you don’t store your coffee for long periods of time. Avoid buying bulk coffee from super-markets as oxygen and bright light are not ideal for roasted beans. In today’s market, you will find a huge variety available to explore. Try several different types and select what’s the best for your taste-buds. It isn’t necessary for good coffee to cost much either. You can find yourself good quality affordable coffee beans if you try some unknown brands as well.

Buy Fresh Beans:

There are a number of benefits to grind your beans freshly before brewing rather than using pre-ground coffee. The primary reason is that it provides you with incomparable freshness. Besides the freshness, newly ground coffee has the maximum flavour. When you grind your coffee beans right before brewing, your releasing the oils that make up the flavour. When you use pre-ground coffee, the oils had already been released and got mixed up with a variety of different odor and flavour, hence losing its flavour potency. Also, pre-ground coffee lacks the intoxicating aroma that we are in love with.

Grind According to your preferences:

Once you are ready to grind the beans, it’s time to match the size according to your brewing techniques. Generally, finer grinds are used for espresso, medium grind for drip machine and coarse grind for cold brew and French-press.

Experiment with Brewing Techniques:

Photo by Di Bella Coffee on Unsplash

Pour overs:

Pour over is the best and also the easiest way to make a flavorful, aromatic cup of coffee. It also makes coffee a lighter beverage. How to brew?

Step one: Boil cold water in a kettle
Step two: Grind the beans uniformly to the consistency of granulated table salt.
Step three: Put a filter in the brewer and rinse with hot water. Discard the water used for rinsing.
Step four: Add grounds to the filter and pour the hot water (after about a minute after removal from heat) just enough to saturate it completely, starting from the middle and working your way outward. Stop pouring when the coffee starts to drip through.
Step five: Slowly pour the remaining water through the filter. After 4 to 5 minutes, your cup of coffee will be ready to serve.

French Press:

French press is most people’s favorite technique of brewing coffee. How to brew?

Step one: Boil cold water in a kettle
Step two: Grind the beans uniformly to the consistency of breadcrumbs (coarse grind).
Step three: Pour hot water (after about a minute after removal from heat) in the French press vigorously. After about 4 minutes, slowly plunge the press separating the coffee from the ground. It’ll be ready to serve.
Note: If you plan to drink it later, do not store the coffee in the French-press as it will continue to sit on the ground and become bitter.


Nothing beats the simplicity of a drip coffee machine. Depending on your machine, you can make 10–12 cups at a time! How to brew?

Step one: Grind the beans to the consistency of regular table salt (medium grind). Transfer the ground into the filter basket and then place it in the drip machine. Swivel the water spout over the center of the grounds.
Step two: Pour clean water into the back of the machine and then press the button.
Step three: Turn off the machine as soon as bubbling stops (to avoid burnt taste). It’ll be ready to serve.
Note: Clean the machine at least once a month by filtering through a mixture of water and vinegar, to remove any residue.

Experiment with Additives and Flavourings:

Add some Cinnamon:

Sprinkling some cinnamon on your coffee does not only adds a unique flavour to your cup but also, it can boost antioxidants, lower your blood sugar and reduce the chances of heart diseases.

Add some Coconut Oil:

It’s a wonderful idea to add a table-spoon of coconut oil in your coffee. It sweetens your coffee and is better than artificial vanilla and hazelnut creamers. It has healthy fats and keeps you feeling full for longer.

Add some Butter:

You can also blend in some grass-fed butter in your cup. Famously known as Buttered or Bulletproof coffee, it has been making everyone friendlier with fats. The butter gives you more energy and improves your brain function. If you’ve decided to add butter, then try using the grass-fed butter which has more omega -3 and vitamin K than the regular one.

Add some Chocolate:

Adding a tea-spoon of unsweetened cocoa offers anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities that helps your body to lower blood pressure, balance cholesterol and also helps to manage type 2 diabetes.

Add some Cardamom:

Known as the Queen of Spices, Cardamom as some medicinal benefits. This was used to prevent everything from gum infections to tuberculosis. A recent study has found that cardamom may have anti-bacterial properties. It can also be used as a natural breath freshener.

Go healthy:

Drink water between each cup:

It’s good if you choose to drink a glass of water as the first thing in the morning, before you drink your coffee. Coffee is diuretic and it will leave you feeling more dehydrated after the night sleeping without drinking water. Water will also energize your body and make you feel refreshed.

Pick a cut-off time:

Drinking coffee after late afternoon will wreak your sleep-cycle. You will end up feeling tensed and jittery while going to bed. Hence try avoiding coffee after late afternoon.

Keep your equipment clean:

The residue left behind after the brewing process will diminish the taste of your coffee, hence it is best if you clean your equipment at least once every month.

Avoid old coffee:

The older the coffee gets the bitter and bad-tasting it becomes. it is best to brew coffee right before drinking it. Also never reheat it in the microwave.


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