Life After 75 Hard

Richard White
In Fitness And In Health
6 min readDec 21, 2020


Image from


Those are the words on the official 75 Hard webpage.

Two things leap out:

  1. It doesn’t mention “fitness”
  2. It does mention “transformative”

Ergo, we can take it that 75 Hard is designed to transform us, and not be another 90-day fitness routine that requires extreme commitment and which we ultimately stop doing as soon as we’re allowed.

To be transformative means two things:

  1. It changes us
  2. We continue with it even after officially completing it

There is no shortage of claims from the creator, Andy Frisella. Make no mistake, 75 Hard is absolutely promoted as something that will change your life in all areas, from your body to your mind and even your finances.

So, wait, you’re saying that by doing something for 10 weeks I can be ripped, mentally strong, and get rich? Sign me up!

Put like that, it sounds a little… ridiculous, doesn’t it?

Snake oil-salesman level bullshit, you might say.

Then you realise that 75 Hard is free. There’s no $100 entry fee for this. Okay, you can buy his…



Richard White
In Fitness And In Health

Writer, marketer, thinker. Strong opinions loosely held. Writing about life, work, tech (mainly Apple), fitness, and other things. Newsletter: