Longevity Anti-Aging Supplement Stacks

Philip James
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readDec 29, 2021


Photo Credit:Burst Royalty Free Photos

Longevity, anti-aging, life extension. Regardless of the name that we want to put on it, people are spending more money and time to achieve the fountain of youth in a way that will allow them to look younger and move better into “old” age. While many of these supplements have strong research in rodents, the data on humans is minimal but continually developing. We don’t yet know the effective dosage of some of these stacks but that doesn’t mean that they don’t offer some benefits even in smaller doses. Additionally, your lifestyle needs to be one of “anti aging” including fasting, caloric restriction, consistent exercise and sound sleep to build upon the supplements.

How are these supplements intended to work?
The goal is the activation of sirtuins, which can also be achieved from eating certain foods and exercising. By activating sirtuins we can “slow down” the aging process by increasing healthy DNA replication.

The base
All of these potential stacks presented below are based on a NMN and pterstibiene initial stack.

Why is that? For starters, Dr. David Sinclair has emerged as one of the more influential voices in anti aging research and is a strong proponent of taking NMN and resveratrol. While NMN is the main driver of sirtuin activation, it is believed that the polyphenol…

