Me And My Rage Towards The US Medical System

Since when did I become my own doctor?

Sadie Lee
In Fitness And In Health


Pexels: Karolina Grabowska

I recently wrote an article about my PCOS diagnosis. But in case you missed it, because I am a blonde, with little acne, and skinny, my doctors did not diagnose me with PCOS until I demanded an ultrasound test. I had been getting my period every three months since I was 12 and I never understood why they were so irregular. I am also not sure why a gynecologist didn’t suggest I look into this. Why did they always ask when my last period was, if not to figure out their irregularity?

Flash forward to me being in my doctor's office, at a time in my life when I was trying to go to medical school, and me complaining about my ADHD to my PCP. My PCP suggested, “cutting down on sugar.” Around a similar timeframe my friend requested ADHD medication from her primary care provider and he refused to give them to her because he didn’t think they were good for the heart. Nevermind that she is under-employed, desperately wants to go to nursing school, and her ADHD impacts her on a daily, debilitating basis.

Fast forward to now that I am actually taking stimulants, making more money, saving more money, have stronger friendships, take less deadly risks (ie skydiving and paragliding), have better self-care habits, and less emotional volatility. I went to a psychiatrist who…



Sadie Lee
In Fitness And In Health

Therapist. Kinkster. Content: Gentle FemDom, Mental health, BDSM, Polyamory. Please support my content via this link: