Me and My Smartwatch — An Irritant or a Life Changing Device?

Technology has changed the role of watches from a keeping time to monitoring our health

Richard Laudon
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Reed Geiger from Unsplash

As a Baby Boomer, technology has impacted my life in many ways. A wristwatch was always simply a device to tell time. A major innovation was the transition from a clock to a digital presentation. This evolution has continued with the creation of smartwatches.

My initial exposure to this type of watch had been one, with an added feature of counting each of my steps during a day. Since my first steps, I have been a lifelong walker. It has been an important part of my DNA.

I have even become somewhat of a folk legend in my community due to my daily walking schedule regardless of the weather. As evidence, I had a middle school student write a story about me for an English assignment, entitled “The Walk a Man”.

Some Positives Versus Negatives Regarding a Smartwatch

Since nothing is black or white but shades of grey/gray, there are different opinions regarding the value of a smartwatch. From a negative perspective, some individuals find that these devices create anxiety and frustration when goals are not consistently met.



Richard Laudon
In Fitness And In Health

A retired behavioral optometrist, who has developed a passion for behavioral finance and is also interested in exploring issues related to health and fitness.