My 30 Day Challenge, With A Twist

And it’s all about accountability!

Ellen Quirke
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

Over the next 30 days I want to achieve two things. And I know the whole “30 Day Challenge” idea is fairly played out at this point. But quite frankly I’m doing this for me and to hold myself accountable. You, the reader, are just invited along for the ride. Lucky you!!

So sit back, enjoy & follow along and if all goes according to plan I will come out the other side of the 30 days feeling great!

My Goals

Alright so both of my goals for the next 30 days are tried and tested by thousands of people already online. But my twist, and the way I feel like I will be held most accountable, is to combine them. So for the next 30 days I am going to:

  1. Work out everyday
  2. Write an article

The aim is to complete a work-out everyday, and then the next day publish an article which includes what I did for my workout and then kind of a diary style entry of whatever is on my mind at the time. This could be related to anything really; exercise, diet, sustainability, off-grid living, DIY projects. The list goes on.

But I am hoping that by combining these two 30 day challenges each one will hold me accountable for the other. I will have to exercise each day so that I can…



Ellen Quirke
In Fitness And In Health

Living a sustainable life and writing about my experience. Based in Auckland, New Zealand. Get my free sustainability eGuide