My 30-Day No Fast Food Challenge

I won’t be going back to bad food.

Ethan C. Wright
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Lidye on Unsplash

How can I finally give up fast food?

I had over the years developed a deepening dependency on fast food. It was a major contributor to my weight gain, declining physical health, and possibly psychological issues.

Having made a little progress in reducing my consumption of fast food the last couple of years, I challenged myself to not eat any fast food for the entire month of March. The motivation was not necessarily to quit fast food immediately. Rather, I wanted to better understand my relationship with fast food.

I had three specific objectives for the 30-day challenge. First, I wanted to understand how my cravings for fast food were triggered. Second, I wanted to analyze my response to these triggers, in particular, whether and how I would overcome (or succumb to) the craving. Third, I wanted ideas on how to avoid fast food on a more consistent basis.


Before embarking on the 30-day challenge, I reflected on the role of fast food in my life.

Up until a couple of years ago, I used to eat fast food regularly, perhaps twice a week. Fast food was a convenient, delicious, and affordable solution to hunger. A perfect storm of fat, sugar, and sodium, fast…

