My Favorite Thing About Nature Is Also Healthy For Your Heart

Hint: It’s not just the views or physical activity

In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Adi Perets from Pexels

I stopped in my tracks. Shh, listen.

My husband looks concerned. “What is it?” he questions.

Just close your eyes. Listen.

“I don’t hear anything”, he says, confused.


I love being outside. Whether it’s a hike through the mountains, stroll on the beach, or sitting in our yard by the fire, I’m happy. The views are gorgeous and I enjoy the scent of fresh air. But my favorite part lacks sensory input. It’s the sound of nothing.

The Impact of Noise

Noise constantly surrounds us. Work is lively, traffic is busy, and gyms are loud. We are entertained by music, television, and conversation. Now, in this coffee shop, I hear people chatting. Baristas are clinking, closing, and creating. The background music is dulled by louder sounds. I enjoy this place, but it is far from silent.

Listen to your surroundings. What do you hear? Even in a relatively quiet place, you can hear the hum of an A/C unit, cars outside, or TV in the background.

This study discusses environmental noise pollution in the United States. It’s a few…



In Fitness And In Health

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